Thursday, January 29, 2009

Worth While

So today was a long day at work. Making unexpected visits to families whose children I am working hard from getting dropped from the Head Start program. Talking to other families and telling them that their child is teasing other children and making them cry. Talking to families about why their child is crying and hates to come to school. Hurting for the child that is crying and wanting nothing more than to scoop her up in my arms and rock her until her hurt goes away. Hurting for the children I had to reprimand for making other children cry. Ignoring the dull pain in the back of my forehead that is promising me a full blown headache later tonight.

But when I walked in the door today after I came home from work I had a barrage of "Terri's home!" come at me from all sides of the house. That is enough to make you smile and forget about the worries of the day.

I love all of my boys (yes, I take claim to all of them whenever I get a chance. Who wouldn't be proud to say "these are my boys"?), Tony, Blare, Andrew, and David... of course I can't forget my baby girl - Berlin. I love the way they make me feel. I love the feeling of family; of belonging. I love the feeling of love and warmth I get from all of them. I love the joy and happiness that emits from Blare, David, and Andrew. I love the way Tony pulls me close to him after a long day away from each other. I love the way Berlin is always right there to jump up on me to give me a welcome home hug every time I walk in the door. I love the way she lets me know that I am the world to her and nothing in the universe can make her more happy than to see me and be loved by me.

I love it all.

This is what makes a long day at work all worth while.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Am I in charge of my own mood?

Someone once told me that I should never let other people bring me down. I'm in charge of my own happiness.

But how can I not let other people bring me down when they work so hard at making sure I am aware of the fact that I just ruined their day completely because of something I have no control over? Because of my circumstances another person is angry with me, and making sure I know it, because it doesn't work for them.

Yea. Someone else has brought me down. I'm in a rotten mood.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Silly Rabbit...

So I played with my blog page... still haven't gotten it figured out completely, but I'm working on it :) I just bought what I thought was a regular cake donut. I was mistaken. It's some kind of cherry flavor... I was wondering what that taste was. When I looked at the donut, it was pink! I have to admit, I'm a little disappointed. But the cappuccino I bought along with the donut is delicious. So it evens out.

So not only am I trying to figure out how to make my page attractive, but I'm also working on deciding how to go about what to write in my blog. What kinds of things do I write in here? Just every day silly, boring things? Or do I wait to write in here until I have some sort of exciting story that would be worth while to read? Hmmm... since I'm writing all of this now, it looks like I've choosen to write about every day boring things :-p Maybe every once in a while I'll have an exciting story to write about. (eww... this cherry donut should be eliminated from exsistance...)

But as I continue to write and think about things I should put in my blog, I can't help but dream a little that one day my blog would be very popular and maybe someday become a movie like Marley and Me. Wouldn't that be the day. When my life becomes a movie. Silly Rabbit...

But right now, I know I want to share with everyone this feeling that I woke up with today. I wanted to thank everyone that has ever helped me, Tony, and the boys, get on our feet and stay on our feet. I have this overwhelming urge to give everyone a great big hug and scream thank you from the mountain tops. Family is the best thing in the world. Friends are a very, very close second. I love my family very much, and the more I get to know Tony's family, the more I realize that both us us are extremely lucky and blessed to have such amazing families. So thank you!

Thank you to Joe, Chris, Tammy, Tim, Trisha, Jim, David (whom I still feel like I should be calling Pastor Hulings or Coach Hulings...), Robin, Kristie, Dan, Kim, Jamie, Andy, Karrie, Paula, John, Chuck, Fran... I could go on and on and on... You guys have been there through thick and thin for us. I know what my family has done for me for years and years, and it doesn't go unnoticed or unappreaciated. I don't know much about Tony's previous years, but since I've known him, I've only seen love and support from his family. So Thank you so very much for all you do. One day I hope that Tony and I can return the favors, love, and support... One day we will get there and we will have all of you as our backbone and strength and support to thank for it :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

My first day blogging!

"I have a blog!!!" That's what I just IMed to Tony. Do I know how to work my blog? lol. Nope. Not a clue. But I figured everyone was doing it, so why not me? So here it is! It'll give me something interesting to do too while I'm at work :-p

Tony just sent me an IM back... "Addy please." Yikes! Now how do I do that?? Guess this will be a day of trial and error... and maybe a few more days after this. :) So... I'm off to explore. Wish me luck!